
November 30, 2012

Fashion Friday with Kayla

Fashion Friday with Kayla

Get Ready For Your Shoot

Preparing for your Senior-ography shoot should be just as important as any other big day in your senior year. So here are a few simple steps to help you look your best on the day of your shoot.


Of course there are things now such as photo shop and concealer, but having clear skin and healthy hair for your shoot will not only raise your confidence, but save time in photo operation process. These three easy steps will keep all that natural beauty charged up. All you have to do is hydrate, eat well, and not slack on your beauty sleep. 


When I say hydrate not only do I mean remembering those 8 glasses of water, but your skin needs that lovin too! Moisturizing in the morning and at night are vital to having soft, naturally glowing skin. And don’t forget! Even though you may not feel like the sun is crisping your skin, it’s still there, and unless you’re wearing a ski mask all day, it’s still touching your skin. So when you’re choosing your daily moisturizer, for face and body, remember to pick one with SPF!

Eat Well

What you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it! Foods with too many sugars and fats can make you bloat and be a huge cause of ache and unwanted skin oil. Not to mention when you eat bad, you feel bad, and step one to feeling beautiful on the outside, is feeling it on the inside. Things like fruits, fresh meats, and veggies are ideal but there are tons of other choices and fun recipes that are perfect options to keep your skin, hair, and body ready for your shoot (and for your brand new life once you grab that diploma and run)! So replacing that double bacon cheese burger and fries with a grilled chicken no mayo and some apple slices is not only just as delicious, (okay … maybe almost as delicious, trying to keep an open mind.) but can do a world of difference to your mind, body, and soul. 

If anyone knows fitting sleep into a schedule is hard, it’s me. Having rehearsals until 1am and still having to study for an exam the next day doesn’t leave much time to sleep even if I wanted to. But we all know there are those nights where you can’t put pintrest down, or turn off the television, or put down the game controller. Sleep usually gets tossed to the bottom of the priority list, but bumping it up a few bullets can do more good than you may know. Just a few things sleep helps with are; your attitude, your hair, your nails, your teeth, your illnesses, your joints, your game performance, your bones, your skin, your grades, your friendships, your relationships, your future! And those are just a few. Getting decent sleep creates a domino effect of improvement on almost every aspect of your life. And one of those is your shoot. They’re not kidding when they call it beauty sleep. 

Tomorrow is the day. So don’t forget to drink your water and get your sleep. With that, remember your moisturizers and just for fun, wearing your favorite p.j’s to bed can always start your day off right. So getting out that fancy set you wear on holiday’s can help you start with a smile on.

Finally! It’s here! Today it’s all about you not your make-up!  Stick to neutral colors and make-up trends that accentuate your features instead of painting over them. With your hair, keeping it in your natural state or adding some curl is best! Maybe pinning back your bangs or adding a cute braid in there would be the perfect little touch. Kim loves accessories and has MORE than plenty so wearing your hair in a more natural way rather than getting an up-do or over styling it will make it easier to play with on your shoot! 

 Before you head out, check this list to make sure you have all your shoot essentials;
-          Plenty of water!
-          Your Make-Up (Just in case you need a touch up.)
-          Your Outfits (Duhh! Best part!)
-          Your Smile (Like Annie said, your never fully dressed without it!)
-          Blotting Pads (Maybe not so much for fall shoots, but who knows, in Texas, we sweat in December.)
-          Lipstick/Gloss (Even if you don’t wear it, it’s always safe to bring some to tie those luscious lips in with your accessories.)
-          Blanket To Dress Under (Usually you’re in an off the road area, but your car is your dressing room, so if your windows aren’t too tinted, bringing a blanket to change under may be a good idea.)

Now that you have taken all your steps, you should be ready for your shoot! Don’t forget to have fun  Kim is super awesome and shoots are more like a party, so let your personality shine and BE-YOU-TIFUL!!

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