
April 12, 2012

Cypress Senior Photography

Meet Will,

Mr Will, what can I say....such a charmer and like I was told before the session, you were so funny, this session was so fun, not to mention he brought 3 awesome instruments..the Base, which just happens to one of my most favorite instruments...your going far ;)  Thanks for choosing senior-ography to capture your images, you were amazing and so much fun to shoot ;)


  1. Base is where you run in baseball
    Bass is the instrument

  2. It's "you're" going far…not "your" going far. Grammar counts

  3. Anonymous and Mr Gorman: KUDOS! If I may add, 'not to mention he brought 3 awesome instruments..the Base, which just happens to one of my most favorite instruments'.

    * Blogger, what are the other 2, out of the 3 awesome instruments which Mr. Will brought to the session?

    * Blogger, OMIT the use of ellipsis after the phrase '3 awesome instruments'. Ellipsis is the name of the punctuation that looks like 3 dots (dot, dot, dot) in a row, although you only used 2, which is also incorrect. Ellipsis (from the Greek word 'elleipsis' meaning 'leave out') is used incorrectly here and disrupts the continuity of your sentence structure. I could elaborate on syntax and grammar, not to mention on subject matter and content alone, in several of your photographs, it would be moot.

    Syntax AND Grammar count, as well as, Subject matter and Content in Photography.


  4. *Blogger, I also wanted to add in my last comment the following Insertion of the word 'be', so the sentence should read and I paraphrase, "...not to mention he brought 3 awesome instruments, the Bass, which just happens to be one of my most favorite instruments"

    And as stated in my previous Comment, I could elaborate on syntax and grammar...

    Will's senior photos are well done and you certainly captured the essence of his charm, and if I may say, pervading fun and funny personality. KUDOS to you Blogger.
