Name: Maddie
School: Cypress Woods High School School
Mascot: Wildcats
How many in your senior class: 1158
Fav Teacher: Miss Hubble (Calculus teacher)
Fav Class and why: I love Social Studies. It has always been one of my strongest areas. So as of right now, I'm really enjoying Economics
Unusual talent: I really can't think of anything THAT unusual. I can't lick my elbow or my nose, or anything cool like that.
Fav sport and team: I play soccer, so that's probably my favorite sport to play. But I love watching baseball. I'm a huge fan of the Astros, even when they're not having they're not having the best season.
College you want to attend: Texas A&M University and the University of Colorado-Boulder

Five activities you're involved in: Varsity soccer, WildThings, National Charity League, Student Council, National Honor Society
3 things that annoy you: Smacking of gum/food, sniffling during tests, dirty kitchens
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